67 Almshouse: In the Home Stretch


Well, Friend, we are officially in the home stretch. It’s gone by fast and feels like it’s been going on forever – do you know what I mean?

Every time I stop by – which is often – more and more progress is being made, and I can visualize where things are going to be, and how it will look when it’s done!

If you need to catch up on all the work we’ve done so far, you can check out this blog post, this blog post, and this one.

The most recent updates include big progress on the inside of the building.

With the drywall up, it was time to choose paint colors.

Once we selected a paint color, we were able to install the flooring.

I LOVE how it all looks together. It’s hard to believe, that not long ago, it looked like this:

And now, it’s looking like this:

Next up is more lighting, and the cabinets have arrived!

The big day is coming soon. And while I am excited – like really, really excited – there’s just a tiny bit of dread too.

I mean, who looks forward to moving?! It’s going to be amazing once we are all moved in and settled, but the process of moving our materials and stuff and getting operations up and running from our new headquarters will be no small feat.

Especially since we have a few huge installs this Fall, and we’re staying very busy supporting our designers – plus meeting new designers, too!

I’m just taking it a day at a time, and feeling so grateful. For our new studio, for our designers & clients, for my amazing team, and, oh yeah, this:

Vitalia Inc officially has its own brand-new work van!!

Three-piece sofas? No problem.

6 foot headboard? Bring it on.

Entire house worth of window treatments? Won’t even break a sweat.

It’s so spacious inside, I can stand up and walk around in it!!

Make sure you wave to my team when you see us driving around town. And of course, we’d love to support you on your next design project. Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions you have, and stay tuned for more 67 Almshouse updates!