Drapery Hardware Problem Solving

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Hey, hey friend! Can you believe Thanksgiving is only two days away? In the spirit of 2020, our usual large gathering won’t be happening. This year, it will be just the four of us quietly celebrating. We’re all disappointed we can’t celebrate with all of our family and friends, but still very thankful that we have each other. As you can see from our recent family photoshoot, we know how to have fun together .

What do your Thanksgiving plans look like this year? I’d love to hear about your plans for the holiday and for the rest of the year. Send me an email at vita@vitaliainc.com and let’s connect!

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Drapery Hardware Problem-Solving

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Out of Stock brackets are no match for versatile Vitalia Inc!

Anyone else feeling the pain of out-of-stock and unavailable parts and merchandise?


We recently had a project that called for single projection brackets, which we ordered for our client and received. Imagine our dismay when we were checking in the delivery and comparing what was received to what was ordered (an essential part of our project management process) and we discovered that the vendor had mistakenly sent us double projection brackets rather than the single.

When we contacted the vendor regarding the incorrect shipment, we learned that the single projection brackets were out of stock and on back order.


Now we understand that we are not the only ones experiencing these inconveniences, and we are grateful to our wonderful vendors for doing everything they can to ship us our products in a timely fashion. But it doesn’t make it any less stressful to discover the item you need is not available and won’t be for some time!

We had a commitment to uphold to our designer, so we put our heads together to come up with a solution. Mission Impossible? Not for Vitalia Inc with a project on the line!

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Our talented seamster had the tools needed to trim the double bracket down to a single and smooth out the cut to create a bracket exactly as called for in the design!

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The solution was just what the situation called for! From mission impossible to mission completed, thanks to our careful watch on incoming orders and our resourceful team. We were able to complete the window treatment installation for our design without any of the delays we would have experienced had we not discovered the wrong product and been sent and come up with a solution to work with what was available.


Our project management processes and dedication to meeting the needs of our designers is what truly sets Vitalia Inc apart from other custom workrooms. Not only will we provide beautiful window coverings, soft furnishings, motorization, awnings, and more, but we will also provide the peace of mind that the project is being handled with close attention to detail and superb communication.

We  our designers! How can we support you on your next project?