An exciting announcement: Big changes coming for Vitalia Inc


So, you remember about 18 months ago, when I shared that my offices and workroom were destroyed in a devastating fire?

This all took place in March of 2021.

Since then, we’ve moved our Vitalia Inc “world headquarters” to my home.

Kiefer sits in Beata’s chair more than she does

I don’t think I have to tell you how challenging it has been to continue operating from my house for this amount of time, given the volume of business we do.

Of course, we have made it work, and our number one priority has always been to continue offering the very best in concierge-level support and service to our designers.

But, we are definitely busting at the seams. (See what I did there? )

A fun game I like to call, “Where’s Lisa?”

And so, it’s with great excitement that I share this: I’ve purchased the very same building we used to occupy, and it will be the future headquarters of Vitalia Inc!

67 Almshouse: Vitalia Inc Headquarters
Coming Soon!

It’s been over a year in the making, but we are finally coming full circle! Before the fire, I rented our space. After many months of negotiations, I was finally able to close on 67 Almshouse.

I knew that I wanted to purchase a space to operate my business rather than renting again. (Fun fact about me: I am super passionate about real estate investing.)

We needed more space than what we had before – and a lot more space than what we are working with currently! 67 Almshouse used to be two separate rental units, but when the renovations are complete, it will be one unit.

We’ve got big, big plans for a total transformation of the building. In addition to knocking down walls, we are also dropping the floors and raising the ceilings.

When the renovations are complete, the building will be completely updated, inside and out. It’s going to be so amazing!!!

So, cheers to new beginnings!

Stay tuned for progress updates and information on our grand opening. This is going to be so, so good for my team, and I can’t wait to welcome our designers into our new studio.

July Progress Update: Opening The Ceiling

Construction is moving right along! This is a full-scale, inside & outside renovation.

Renovations are in full swing! As I mentioned before, we are completely gutting and updating the inside and outside of the building, combining what used to be two offices into one.

The past couple weeks, the construction crew has been working on opening up the ceiling.

This is the ceiling after opening the ceiling up, but before removing every other truss.

And here, you can see where every other truss is removed, and the remaining trusses are “sistered” for additional support.

Many more exciting updates to come! We will be dropping floors, picking out new doors, and deciding on the interiors. Stay tuned!

If you are in need of a supportive workroom partner, we would love the opportunity to answer your questions. We are an all-inclusive fabrication, measurement, installation, and project management company, exclusively for interior designers.

How can we support you on your next design project?