Why You Need a Project Management System


Hey, hey friend!


What a week! I had an absolutely fabulous time in High Point. I saw people! In person! Not through a screen! And it was every bit as magical as I knew it would be.

In addition to all the fun at High Point Market, I had the pleasure of staying with an absolute powerhouse team of women. We spent two full days masterminding and strategizing initiatives for 2022.

What about you? Did you go to High Point? Have you started planning for 2022? I’d love to hear all about it. Simply send me an email – I read and respond to all my messages.


And today’s blog is all about something that I highly recommend you consider for your business – PMS. Keep reading to find out why I love PMS and you should too

PMS is sooooo vital to my life and business! I really couldn’t live without it, and it’s what allows me to keep my sanity while experiencing unprecedented levels of business. Do you love your PMS too?


Now you know I’m not talking about that PMS.


The PMS that serves as the foundation of my business processes is my Project Management System. And more specifically, my Paperless Project Management System.


I’m here today to tell you that no matter what your business model is, you can benefit from a Project Management System. If you don’t use one, let me tell you – it can be life-changing for you and your business!

You Know You Need PMS if…

1.       You’re drowning in paper, post-its, emails, texts, inquiries, and project updates, with no central location to store the information. It’s a recipe for disaster! Overwhelm, misplaced details, and lost opportunities.


2.       You are ready to hire help….but how can they help you when every project detail, process, and status is in your head?


3.       You’re tethered to your desk and filing cabinet to access any information about your projects. You suddenly need to check on the status of an order, from home, the soccer field, while running errands…and you have no way to access the information you need until you can get back to your workspace to look through your notes.

Sound familiar? How are you ever going to be able to hire help and set up systems and processes that run like a well-oiled machine if you operate this way?

This method of project management isn’t sustainable, it isn’t efficient, and it isn’t scalable. It will also lead you right down the path of burn out and resentment toward your business and clients.

A paperless project management system can address all of these issues, and more. A well-designed and utilized project management system allows for collaboration between members of your team.

It is accessible from anywhere, so the information you need is always available to you from any device. And it can encompass ALL the crazy details of every part of your project, including order status, installation dates & notes, payment statuses, and more – any details you need to track to keep your projects running smoothly.

There are many options out there – I know because I’ve tried quite a few! – but the one that I found works best for me is AirTable.

It’s intuitive, can be customized to our processes, and integrates well with other software. In short, it’s the perfect PMS to keep my business running smoothly!

If you’d like to take a peek behind the curtain to see how I utilize a paperless project management system for my window treatment business, I’d love for you to check out my LuAnn University class.

It isn’t just for those looking to scale. The focus of the class are my specific systems & processes for running an efficient, organized business. And the cornerstone of that is – you guessed it – paperless project management.

Classes start next week! So this is your last chance to register and take that first step towards having the organized and systems-driven business of your dreams that allows you to feel less stress with more profits.


Will I see you there? If you have any questions at all, I am only a phone call or an email away – I’d love to chat with you.